First Preschool
& Pre-K
quick facts
Daily Availability: Mon. - Thur. 7:30am-5:30pm
Ages served: any child 2.5 years old - 6 years old
* Full day: $35
* Half day (<5 hrs): $25
* Annual registration: $100
Want to learn more? Contact Lynanne Sanata (phone: 719-924-4074 or email: for any further questions about the program or to tour the facility.
director: Lynanne Sanata
upcoming events
If interested in the program, please contact the director.
Half day students will leave at 11:30 AM and will not be eating lunch at school.
They are looking for a qualified teacher's aide to help out in the classrooms. Contact Lynanne if interested in the position.
Stay tuned for more events coming soon
mission, activities, and accreditations
Mission: To provide a quality education for our children, which includes the six domains of child development; physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional and cultural. This mission will be accomplished by a dedicated, highly qualified staff working with the children, parents, and community.
Activities: Children participate in various age appropriate activities. Older children will develop number concepts, reading readiness and problem solving skills through sorting, counting, puzzles and other manipulative activities. Younger children will feel secure to play and explore in a safe and fun environment. Children attend Chapel for Bible stories, memory verses, songs, and prayer.
Accreditations: Our staff are highly dedicated and experienced. Our lead teachers meet state licensing qualifications. All staff members are trained in CPR, first aid and universal precautions. The program has been licensed since 2005 and is a part of the annual Colorado Shines rating process.